Thanks Dave, it was a fun time as always and since the show is only about 2 hours from me, I should be there every other time it's on...and if the turnout was this good in the rain, can't imagine what it'll be like if it was nice out....
Funny Jay, when I looked at your pics, I thought a lot were better then mine...I had the wrong setting for the drag racing, shoulda had it on the "In motion" setting and I didn't thats why they came out a bit blurry, and I also shoulda had the long lense so I coulda zoomed all the way down the track, Oh well Next time!!!
Tim you really need to go to one...I've been to englishtown tons of times, but it was so awesome at Cecil cause your literally right there in front...
Rick! It's ok this show will be on again sometime next year,. and we will be there fer sure!!! It'll be here before ya know it! lol...Glad ya liked the pics!