One that has made me laugh out loud every time I hear it is the current Miller "Like" commercial. IMO, it's funny because of the quotes ... and the inflection/way the announcer says them. Some of my favorite quotes from that spot:
"Like does not conquer all."
"When was the last time you fell in like? Probably wasn't very comfortable."
"How do i like thee? Let me count the ways. Zero."
"I like New York. Who doesn't?"
"If Philadelphia was the city of brotherly like, I'd be on the first train to Pittsburgh."
"Do you remember the summer of like? It was hot...and gross."
Cort, that commercial is funny, they have been playing it alot. My favorite are the Bud Light Commercials "Real men of Genious" The Taxi cab over accessorisor, the Boneless wings creater, and others they were just awesome to laugh at, LOL!
There was a loacal one a few years back for Signals on the indian reservation that had a few good ones that have kind of stuck around in the shop I work at:
know your Signals:
when Your co worker says "The boss want to see you in his office NOW" it means it might be a good time to work on that resume
When Your Boss says " How long have you worked here" it means you might want to cancel those vacation plans
When you hear *glass breaking* it means your older son will be blaming your younger son for something
One I didn't like was:
When you hear * Car Cranking slowly* it means your mechanic will be vacationing in Cancun this winter
There was another commercial Doug, our boys and Myself heard on our way to Cincinatti in 07 that had us laughing. Don't quite remember the whole commercial, but it was an anti Smoking ad, that had 2 guys argueing over over different things until it came to smoking, the one line was "1 out of 5 is a Butt puffer" and another line was " in a pigs eye!" with the second guy saying "Lets leave your wife out of this"
There is no such thing as Too Many Montes Member of the Motley Cruisers Car Club