I was somewhat interested in purchasing an entry level or basic hand held scanner. I don't believe that I need a digital or trunking unit for my area. I read somewhere that for the City police here you need a digital trunking scanner but I can do without hearing them. Anyways, we had one in the house when I was growing up and I always found it to be cool. If there are any folks on here that maybe be able to help me out on a few questions that would be great!
I have poked around online here and there but not too deeply. Here is what I have found so far:
I also found this one on my local craigslist. They want $170 for it. I did text the person if it included all the original box contents but not have heard back as of this posting. A new one is $202 on Amazon.com. I would only offer half that price or a little more depending if it was complete. Here is the model:
I have a few scanners, plus get live feeds on my phone and text messages when working fires are going on, so yeah, ask away.
As for a scanner, cheapest will be fine. My handheld is a $80 Radio Shack model. The new $99 handheld they offer blows mine away. I also have 2 base stations and 3 mobile units.
As for frequencies, most areas use multiple frequencies, some are unpublished. The list you linked to looks pretty good, but I dont know the area and cant tell you if you are missing any important ones.
A handheld will limit your receiver range. You should be able to get the initial dispatch from the city or county, but may not get truck to truck communication. I know with my handheld I dont get much truck to truck, but my base with external antenna is no problem.
I would buy new since you can get them for around $100. Especially for a beginner.
BTW, look for a code breakdown, if they dont use plain english, you'll need to know what the codes mean. Locally I get "Signals", signal 12 (brush fire), signal 13 (structure fire), signal 23 (misc alarm) etc. You should also learn the License or call signs. Other wise you may not know whats going on.
"KEE462 Medford on with a signal 3 on a 24-13-35 to Patchogue."
Translation.... Medford fire dept requesting additional man power to assist Patchogue fire dept with a working structure fire"
thanks Scott! As far as the reception goes I was thinking of purchasing this antenna with it. Do you think that it would give me the reception of a base type scanner or maybe better?
I would try the rubber one that comes with it first, mine works rather well. Base scanners run off AC and can utilize the power better, that make the reception better. I know if I plug in my handheld while listening, the reception is better than on battery
Just great. My county (Monroe) went all digital early last year. So every scanner I have read about is obsolete here. I need a digital scanner and the cheapest to find is $399.
I want to hear what is going on in my vacinity and not the major cities of the US. Though I am sure the major cities would be interesting. So I have no choice to buy something. Or move.