I bought a new switch for the wipers and it has the cruise control to turn it on and off and I replacing thinking thats why I could only turn my wipers on high no it wasn't. The delay does not work and when I put it on lo it goes on then it goes off. Need some help please before I take to gm to have it fixed because I need my wipers working. This just started the other day and can anyone help me fix this before I take it to GM.
Matty, the most common thing that goes bad is the wiper Motor cover and the switch, if you plugged the wiper switch in and it still does the same thing, chances are it is the wiper motor cover.
There is no such thing as Too Many Montes Member of the Motley Cruisers Car Club
It wouldn't be the switch thats inside the steering columin?? Because when this happened the other day it was jaming alittle then it was free again thats why I asked. I thought it might be the outter one use for the signals but cruise wasn't working but now that works because replace where active the cruise control. Thats why I am asking before I wanna puld the wheel off.
Matty, I thought you tried the wiper switch?? the only real way is to go through the flow chart, But the two things that go bad are the wiper switch and the wiper cover. I'm on the laptop so I can't access AllData and I'll be at Jim's all weekend so Maybe Monday I can post the flow chart.
There is no such thing as Too Many Montes Member of the Motley Cruisers Car Club