Made a trip over the weekend to Indiana to haul about 90% of our possessions to a Public Storage facility. The builders broke ground on Friday 3-27. Here is a picture of our "hole" lol.
That's a mighty fine lookin hole you have there. Congrats. Bet you can't wait to move in. .... might want to wait till they fill in the hole with something!
Jay - 86 Monte LS
We'll be Friends till we're old and senile.... then we'll be New Friends.
Do you have a projected date for when the house will be done?
They said 100 days from time of ground breaking. They said it should be framed in 3 weeks. We are moving this weekend to Candys sisters house in we close on our current home Monday and need to be out of it. I will try to update with new pictures as we get them from the builder.
Wow! All sounds very exciting!!!! Congrats on everything and best of luck!!! Keep us updated, and keep in touch after the move Please!!!!
Reminds me of an Al Bundy episode, when Peg was supposed to look after the neighbors house, and the whole house was stolen...Al couldn't sleep at his house so he said Peg, let's go sleep next door in the whole...They open the door to go and Peg says:
Peg: "But Al it's raining outside!"
Al: " Good, I'll sleep with my mouth open, maybe I'll drown"
As of now may be end of June. I have more pictures today. I was going to edit my original post to have the following link but the forum says I am not allowed to edit??
OK. lets see the garage now, enough with the house. :D
Leo Paugh 86MCSS POW*MIA You are not forgotten The Master of Monte Carlo 2-4x4's-Chevy's of course If things improve with age, I must be approaching magnificent.