Awesome pics Dave!!! HOPEFULLY I will be able to make it out there one year lol!!!
Soooooo, I felt like some of the pics need quotes lol!!!
Dave, good to see that you mirror is still holding up
Jason, Sweet car, like the flames with the purple stripe!!!
Ok, Matt, whats going on here... First you were hiding in the corner, then you come out and there was a lady walking back to her truck.. What kind of operation are you running here lmao!!!
Matt... what are you up too???
Feel the what???
lol, Whats funny is Sam Malone has a Vette too
Don't Spill the drink!!!
Monte Hunter Ride!!!!
Matt, again, I don;t know what kind of operation you are running, but what are you doing in the trunk of that guys Camaro???
Tom, that was the old Downtown of Batavia, There are quite a few factories and businesses a few blocks over and about 3 miles away is Batavia Downs race track, Quite a bit going on in a little town. And I agree, it sure beats parking lots!
Tim, Thanks for noticing my mirror, it seems to be holding up just fine for a 10 minute fix, LOL! And thanks for the captions! Matt was drooling over all three ElCaminos there. Really hope you can join us next year, it was a fun day. And that was "Feel the Music" Diana has the same shirt from the Gym, Matt and I both looked at each other and said "wonder if she knows Mom?"
And Matt, Tim's right, what were you doing that day??
There is no such thing as Too Many Montes Member of the Motley Cruisers Car Club