I'm posting the possibility of a new networking/brainstorming group to numerous boards/groups; the more diverse the experiences represented, the more likely the ideas exchanged will be beneficial to multiple people. I see this as a way to share info about employment, health issues, automotive interests, etc. You do NOT have to live in Chicagoland to be a member & participate!
Possible initial meeting dates...
...Sunday, 04/22/2012 (afternoon)
...Tuesday, 04/24/2012 (evening)
...Saturday, 04/28/2012 (morning)
Possible initial meeting locations...
...Elgin IL's Colonial Cafe ("meeting room" area)
...Elgin IL's Gail Borden Library (meeting room)
Who is IN?!
I've been networking & sending resumes as much as possible, but nothing so far. My background is mostly customer service, including a Help Desk job working with Advance Ship Notices through EDI. The last job wasn't exactly what the title indicated. I've been researching non-profits, but those are struggling.... I'd love to get into marketing in some capacity, radio, writing, event creation/hosting (done a number of gatherings in the Chicago area, though I'm told that doesn't count as "professional" experience), etc.
I'm not panicking...yet. I've kept busy by going through stuff in my room, lots of Nephew Time, attending workshops/presentations, finishing my 36 sessions of Cardiac Rehab (definite PLUS), etc.
"Watch your thoughts because they become your words."
"Watch your words because they become your actions."
"Watch your actions because they become your habits."
"Watch your habits because they become your character."
"Watch your character because it becomes your reputation."
"Watch your reputation because it becomes your legacy."