The June 2007 story grabbed my attention: 1957 Plymouth Belvedere unearthed in Tulsa OK, a Route 66 town. I know several people who were there in person. I watched it live on the internet before we left for Dad's team's softball game that Friday evening.
The car has been above ground 5 years, after being under ground 50. But, hardly any news; my main 2 sources don't seem to be very up-to-date. Maybe I'm the only one curious as to what has happened or is happening to the car...? Or, maybe I've just missed recent news?
i'll sum it up fast dave. burried a car.. put stuff in it.. came out like the titanic.. then some people took it to try rust remover.. pretty much it was 8 min of my life i'll never get back.
87 GN- in the process of being taken apart for a very long resto.
2011 Jeep Liberty