This years show is September 22nd, I encourage everyone who can to attend, this is a really cool show and for one of the most neediest charities in Buffalo. Matt and I attended last year and it was a great venue for a show. We had lots of fun and even saw some cars that we never usually see.
Weather will be a little iffy this Saturday, But Matt and I are still going. This one is for a a real cause that has hit way too close to home for my family.
We'll meet at my house for 8:30 and get to the show for 9.
There is no such thing as Too Many Montes Member of the Motley Cruisers Car Club
Awesome day today even though it was a wet day. Letting us do the show in the the parking garage worked out nicely! Plus it was a dry ride the entire way home. Now I only need to clean a few bugs off the car and I won't have to wash it, lol.
Dave and Matt - Congrats on the awards! Well deserved!
It was a great day!! A little wet to start, but it ended on a great note! The Parking ramp is a great place to host a show. We met a few new people and NYMCC making a sweep in the awards!!!
Matt Congrats on your award as well! Now both of your Montes are award winners!
There is no such thing as Too Many Montes Member of the Motley Cruisers Car Club