Jon, that was a track day. They cost about $3-500. But you get a driving class and then your allowed to go and make some laps. Darren did it in June. He ran his MR2, lost the brakes and swiped the guardrail in the boot.
There is no such thing as Too Many Montes Member of the Motley Cruisers Car Club
that straight away always kills my brakes that's why very soon when I'm replaceing them I want to get urs, and talked to a mechanic and said go with ceramic sloted
but yea that guy replied back to my youtube question and he posted me the site where/ how u can get certified per lvl of driving u have and allowed to go the speeds that he goes... just would be cool to be able to really see what as a driver what I can do at Watkins and see if I have what it takes lol